Nevada has 23 protected native species of bats. Our bats are primarily insect eaters whom consume flies, mosquitoes, grasshoppers, moths, beetles, etc. Each bat will consume about 1,000 small insects per night.

Sierra Pest Control Brazilian Free Tailed Bat

Brazilian Free Tailed Bat

Bats will usually avoid contact with humans or other animals & they only bite out of self defense therefore they should not be handled. A very small percentage of bats carries rabies, about 0.5%.

Bats reproduce at a very slow rate, females give birth to only 1 pup per year and they can live up to 30 years. Some species hang out in colonies while others are solitary mammals.

Bats are not blind, they may not see color, but they can see as well as humans and even better then us when its dark.

If a bat accidentally flies into your house; turn off all the lights & open all of your windows & doors so that they may fly out in search of insects. Never hit a bat, not only will you injure them, but you will delay their exiting the building.

During the summer bats will sometimes choose to roost in the chimney, eaves or attic of a building. Female bats chose warm places to roost since their pup will be born without hair & unable to fly for several weeks. Even after summer you may still find the occasional bat that decided to hibernate in a building rather then migrate with the colony.

If you don’t want bats in or around your building then we have an exclusion plan we can install that will emit a high pitched sonar sound that humans can not hear, but bats most certainly will.